Kids Cooking and Cookbook Blog

Kids cooking recipes, cooking activities, and parenting tips for healthy living

Archive for July, 2009...

Filed under Books, Cooking and kids, Recipes, Regional food, Safety Practices

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Going to the local farmers’ market with your child helps him or her learn where their food comes from. Here your child will see the many varieties of fruits and vegetables that are grown right in your own region.

Understanding that the corn in the can or frozen package really started as corn in the husks on the cob is sometimes hard for children to comprehend. Seeing carrots with bushy tops and not perfectly scrubbed clean in plastic bags can be eye-opening for them as well. Even seeing the quantities of melons in the back of pickups and truck beds piled high with corn is really quite a sight.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Friday, July 24th, 2009

Filed under "Going Green", Cooking and kids, Good thoughts, Healthy food practices, Join Me, Regional food
Cucumbers grow on vines

Image via Wikipedia

I just ran across an article in a college magazine about changes college kids are enjoying in their cafeterias. One food service offers “the real thing” in flavored filtered water.

Individual dispensers are filled with layers of ice with cut up fruits and vegetables. Foods such as oranges, lemons, limes, apples, strawberries, cucumbers and other seasonal foods and vegetables are added to the ice to create water that has the flavor of the food. I would never have guessed their favorite flavor is cucumber! The report stated the students are drinking their way through about 150 gallons of filtered, flavored water per day and cutting down on soda drinking.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

Filed under Cookbooks, Cooking and kids, Holidays, Menus, Party ideas, Recipes
New England.

Image via Wikipedia

As much of our country’s early history dates back to the New England states, I wanted to share a recipe from this area taken from Amy Houts’ new book, Cooking Around the Country With Kids: USA Regional Recipes and Fun Activities. Her new book just came back from design and layout and it’s looking fabulous!

I think you will believe this recipe is fabulous, too!

Boston Creme Pie

1 yellow cake mix
1 (3 oz.) box instant vanilla pudding

Chocolate Glaze:
3 tablespoons butter
1 cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons hot water,

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Saturday, July 4th, 2009

Filed under Good thoughts, Holidays, Party ideas

Image via Wikipedia

Are you celebrating 4th of July with hot dogs, apple pie, and fireworks? I think we should add in a few parades, a baseball game, concerts, and some political speeches.That is about as American as it gets on the 4th!

Americans love to celebrate the day. We sometimes forget why we are celebrating – we tend to forget that we are commemorating the anniversity of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Friday, July 3rd, 2009

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