Kids Cooking and Cookbook Blog

Kids cooking recipes, cooking activities, and parenting tips for healthy living

Archive for December, 2009...

Filed under Books, Cooking and kids, Holidays, Recipes

I had a note from a reader of Amy Houts’ new book, Cooking Around the Country with Kids: USA countrycomp75Regional Recipes and Fun Activities that said: “This book is an excellent way to introduce children to new tastes and new cultures.” It’s always good to hear from satisfied customers!

Amy is doing a book signing at Maryville Public Library on Saturday, December 19 from 1 -3 p.m. Refreshments from her book will be served.

There is still time to order her new book at

Lee Jackson, publisher
Books for children, families, and parenting professionals

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Filed under Books, Holidays

We think cats rule, in the dog-cat showdown. That does not mean we don’t like dogs, quite the contrary – I have a family member with 5 cocker spaniels that I think are most loving and adorable, and certainly rule their house!

But I have liked cats from an early age. Is that why I wrote the book, The Littlest Christmas KittenChristmas Kittens? One reason, yes, another: I wanted to remember the joy and majesty of the Holy Night.

There is still time to order this book for Christmas at kitten book.  I would be happy to autograph upon request.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Monday, December 14th, 2009

Filed under Books, Holidays, Recommendations


Cats have traditionally been featured on Christmas cards, decorations, and ornaments. This children’s story book, The Littlest Christmas Kitten, reveals the legend of the Christmas Cats and why they have been part of this holiday for centuries. It will inspire everyone to take another look at the story of the First Christmas and the rich history of the cat family.

In this story Mother Cat searches frantically for her kitten. Scampering to hide from two travelers entering the stable, she jumps into a manger. There she discovers her sleeping kitten. This same manger will later become the bed for Baby Jesus.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

Filed under Books, Cooking and kids, Holidays, Recipes, Recommendations

Do you know that food is at the heart of every culture?       countrycomp75

Amy Houts’ new book, Cooking Around the Country with Kids: USA Regional Recipes and Fun Activities helps parents introduce children to new tastes and different cultures through food so that they can appreciate, understand and enjoy the cultural differences that make up our country.

This is a brand new book that is ready for gift giving to children ages 5 to 15 and older.

To order this book for Christmas giving, go to

Children on your list will be glad you did.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

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