Kids Cooking and Cookbook Blog

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Archive for August, 2010...

Filed under Cooking and kids, Food patterns and eating habits, Join Me, Recipes

Parents should help children make good food choices. Food preferences in children are largely developed by age five. Therefore, it’s important that parents help their children develop a taste for nutritious food early.

Here are ways you can involve your children in making good food choices:

Talk to your children about the categories of foods that are most important. These would include: fruits and vegetables, meat or protein alternatives, breads and cereals, and milk.

Comments (1) Posted by Lee on Friday, August 27th, 2010

Filed under Food Safety

Image via Wikipedia

The recent food recall for contaminated eggs points out again the fact we need to be more vigilant about our food supply.

Are our food products, especially animal products, grown under the best conditions conducive to our health and the health of the animals?

We may need to be willing to pay more for free range, antibiotic-free, hormone-free, vaccine-free animals for our food supply. “Pay more and eat less” may need to be our mantra.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Friday, August 20th, 2010

Filed under Cookbooks, Recipes
Peach Jam

Image by Carmyarmyofme via Flickr

When considering how to use peaches, some people immediately think of peach pie or peach cobbler.

I think of home canned peaches. This is a practice of preserving peaches for the winter months, quite out of style in this day and age.

But I remember when my mother canned peaches.We would buy a crate or a bushel of peaches and spend all day peeling and canning.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Thursday, August 19th, 2010

Filed under Recipes
Blackberries in a range of ripeness, in West H...

Image via Wikipedia

When I first saw information about a Blackberry Slider, I thought, “hmm, I must try that. Sounds good.” Then I found out it was a new smart phone. Disappointment turned to thoughts of the sweet, big, juice fruit and the foods that can be made with blackberries.

I was a farm girl at one point in my life and went on many berry picking sessions. Despite all the scratches from the prickly vines and the heat of the summer, picking berries with my mother and our neighbors still brings back good memories. We used blackberries to make cobblers, pies, jams and jellies and more. Having blackberries on cereal in the morning was a real treat.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

Filed under Good thoughts, Healthy food practices, Nutrition tips
North American "cantaloupes"
Image via Wikipedia

All summer long I have different “favorite” fruits – right now it’s cantaloupe. Although cantaloupes are available all year around, their peak growing and harvesting season is June through August. The western states are major producers but I bought a luscious one at the Farmers Market here in northern Missouri last week-end.

This is one fruit that is good for those watching their diet, or not, because it is low in calories and is a good source of Vitamin A and C, potassium and some minerals. Its sweet and juicy flavor spells summer all over. It is another food I sometimes tend to eat “over the sink”.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Monday, August 2nd, 2010

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