For the sake of your health, please read the following article about the hazards of GMO products from Leanne Ely at her website:
Comments (2) Posted by Lee
2 Responses to “Keep You and Your Family Safe From GMO’s”
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August 27th, 2012 at 10:23 am
Thanks, Lee. I didn’t know about this and will be aware from now on.
What a treat it was to be with Amy & the family and to have lunch with you as well. I hope all goes well with your plans.
August 28th, 2012 at 3:10 pm
See my next post on what foods to avoid. We don’t want anyone, any company, interfering with our food supply. It’s getting more difficult in knowing what to buy and what to eat. It was great seeing you again and hearing what is going on in your life. Best wishes to you.