Kids Cooking and Cookbook Blog

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Archive for May, 2013...

Filed under Food patterns and eating habits, Health, Healthy food practices


English: Six saltines and a fork on a large plate

Today, notice how you feel about your eating. Is it one of those days when you have so much to do you eat whatever is available? Without thinking and not even knowing what you are eating?

It’s just “time to eat” and you sit down, grab your food, a book or the paper, watch TV or check your messages, and go through the motions.

I can relate – but, too late, it’s such a guilty feeling.

Comments (1) Posted by Lee on Friday, May 31st, 2013

Filed under Good thoughts, Holidays
American flag

American flag (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This week-end let us recall why we are celebrating – it is to remember and give honor to those courageous men and women who worked, and many died, to protect and preserve our freedom.

Today we fly the American flag,  say a prayer for the fallen, and give thanks for those who made it back safely.

Thank you to my late husband, Peter, who was in the Navy and fought in the Korean War and to my brother, Richard,  who was in the Army.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Saturday, May 25th, 2013

Filed under Health, Healthy food practices, Nutrition tips

English: Photo by R L Sheehan of commercially ...

Proud of myself. I walked past the pastry department without buying anything. I’ve been trying to tame my sweet tooth of late. After looking at the ingredients, it was much easier to pass on it. Sugar and cellulose.

Do you know that cellulose is really a plant by-product? Like wood dust and wood shavings? Cellulose is an indigestible carbohydrate known as dietary fiber. It’s been a popular food additive. It’s most economical sources come from cotton and wood pulp. Doesn’t that sound appetizing – eating cotton fibers and wood shavings?

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Thursday, May 16th, 2013

Filed under Character building, Emotional health

365:279 Vulnerable

I think this is the greatest gift of all – for Mother’s Day or any day, to hear: “You’re fine just the way you are.” There is so much comparing body features to super models and being unhappy with looks, hair, whatever. It’s so good to hear this – especially from your Mom or those close to you. Those may be just the most wonderful words imaginable: “You’re fine just the way you are.”

Read more about this here:

Then read the whole story about a different sort of bullying – one that is just as hurtful as being pushed, or other aggressive forms of bullying here:

Comments (3) Posted by Lee on Monday, May 13th, 2013

Filed under Books, Cookbooks, Cooking and kids

Country smaller sizeHelp your child learn how food plays a part in our country’s cultural diversity.  Each area of our country is noted for a particular food. Some, because of what is grown or raised in that part of the country; others because of its ethnic heritage. The flavors of American cooking are influenced by nations from all over the world.

In the cookbook, Cooking Around the Country with Kids: USA Regional Recipes and Fun Activities by Amy Houts, children learn what food is grown in different parts of the country. Featured recipes show them how to prepare distinctive dishes using the food. What better way to learn about each other than by sharing the foods and customs of  different parts of the country?

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Monday, May 6th, 2013

Filed under GMO, Healthy food practices
Close-up picture of coriander seeds



Is there a difference between hybrid seeds and GMO‘s? And what are heirloom seeds?  There is a great deal of confusion over the type and kind of seeds available and how it is affecting the world food supply.

It used to be that seeds were saved from year to year. The grower could expect the same results each year.  As concerned consumers, read what has been happening to the seeds and how it is affecting your food supply.


Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Friday, May 3rd, 2013

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