Come join me for lunch at noon on Wednesday, October 16 for a Brown-Bag Authors Lunch at the East Hills Library, 502 N. Woodbine Road, St. Joseph, Missouri. I’ll be talking about cookbooks and how they enrich lives and take us on many journeys. Drinks and dessert will be provided. For more information, call 816-236-2136.
Archive for October, 2013...
Filed under Apples, Cookbooks, Cooking and kidsFiled under Cooking and kids, Food patterns and eating habits, Teenagers cooking
If you have teenage children, here is a must-read article from Erica Hale on Real Food about the challenges of teenagers and their food choices. Check this out:
Filed under Apple recipes, Apples, Cooking and kids, Cooking Skills
When choosing apples, look for those that are free from bruises, blemishes, and skin breaks. They should be firm with no soft spots or bruises, breaks in the skin, or insect damage.
Wash apples just before using them as their protective coating helps keep them from becoming shriveled and bruised. I generally peel apples for eating in hand, but in recipes where the apples will be cooked, I often leave them unpeeled. This sometimes turns into personal preference however. With a plentiful apple market this year, choosing and using apples is easy.