Kids Cooking and Cookbook Blog

Kids cooking recipes, cooking activities, and parenting tips for healthy living

Archive for May, 2014...

Filed under Cookbooks, Cooking and kids, Cooking Skills, Recipes

country-smaller-size1Cooking Around the Country with Kids
By Amy Houts
Images Unlimited Publishing

This review of the book, Cooking Around the Country with Kids – USA Regional Recipes and Fun Activities was written by Joan Leotta, journalist, in the Myrtle Beach Sun News

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Monday, May 19th, 2014

Filed under Apple recipes, Apples, Cookbooks, Cooking and kids

Apple tree in full blossom, North Ayrshire, Sc...

Apple blossom festivals are appearing all over the U.S.A. There is good evidence this will be another great apple season.

Your fresh apple supply is probably near the end, but you may still have some apple foods available – such as applesauce, dried apples, and apple cider.

Quick story on my apple cider morning fiasco -I had some apple cider in the refrigerator and wanted to have it for breakfast. I went to heat it up, but unfortunately, I forgot it on the stove. When I realized what I had done, the cider was all cooked down into a thick syrup. It was past the point of redemption, however, and now the pan is soaking in the sink. This is a poor way to start the morning and a quick reminder to tend to the job at hand!

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Monday, May 5th, 2014

Filed under Apples, Good thoughts, Recommendations

Apple Blossom

It’s apple blossom time! Despite the “not-like-spring” weather, nature continues to work its magic.

Enjoy apple blossom time and all the beauty of the season.

Lee Jackson,
author and publisher
love the apple/country life




Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Thursday, May 1st, 2014

Filed under Good thoughts, Holidays

May Day Basket - Social Media Neighbor Day

What fun to run to a neighbor’s house with a May basket to hang on their door. Then there is the joy at the other end – opening the door and seeing the colorful collection.

Whether we may or may not be fortunate to give or get a May basket, let’s remember to do something good for another today.


Lee Jackson,
author and publisher
exploring apple/country themes




Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Thursday, May 1st, 2014

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