Kids Cooking and Cookbook Blog

Kids cooking recipes, cooking activities, and parenting tips for healthy living

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Filed under Apples, Cookbooks, Cooking and kids, Gifts, Healthy food practices

What better way to tempt kids to eat right than to start with one of their favorite foods – APPLES.Picture -Healthy to the Core 4-1

Wanting to bring this home in a hands-on way, my new cookbook: Healthy to the Core! All-Natural Low Sugar, No Sugar Apple Recipes for Kids works toward this goal.

It’s a great year for apples in most sections of the apple growing country. There are bushels and bushels of apples to be picked. Kids will soon be going out to orchards on field trips. (One of my most favorite times of the year!) Families will be enjoying the apple experience at orchards.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Thursday, August 21st, 2014

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