Many parents and teachers feel that kids do not always make healthy food choices. They feel that food choices are shaped only by what food and beverage marketers choose to promote. However, there are many ways parents and teachers can help children shape healthy food choices.
This is where cookbooks serve an important part in educating children. They can provide hands-on training in learning about the wide variety of healthy food choices.
In the cookbook, Cooking Around the Country with Kids: USA Regional Recipes and Fun Activities, Amy Houts takes kids on a cooking adventure throughout the country. Kids learn where their food is grown and can use recipes incorporating that food. The melting pot of people who settled in different regions developed distinctive dishes. From the East Coast to the West, Alaska, and Hawaii, children can celebrate America’s diversity through foods typical of eight different regions of the country.
The cookbook encourages children to engage not only with the different geographical regions of the country, but with the history of the U.S. as well. As one reviewer stated: “This USA-themed recipe book contains a generous helping of hearty recipes sprinkled with historical facts, tasty learning activities, vivid geographic descriptions, and a hint of patriotism.”
Let children know and appreciate real food, prepared by them (or with your help). Often, if children have prepared the food, they are more apt to try it, and sometimes even enjoy it! That is one of the goals of parents – to help children have a good attitude about food so they can make healthy food choices.
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If you have children ages 6 to 14, don’t miss this one. Buy now to have this children’s cookbook available.
Cooking Around the Country With Kids by Amy Houts for home and school is available from
Use and enjoy books! Let children help you cook!
Lee Jackson
Images Unlimited Publishing