Kids Cooking and Cookbook Blog

Kids cooking recipes, cooking activities, and parenting tips for healthy living

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Filed under Books, Cooking and kids, Cooking Skills, Food patterns and eating habits, Gifts, Health, Healthy food practices, Nutrition tips, Recipes, Regional food, Special Offer

Most children love to work in the kitchen.

During this time of being restricted to our homes, we have more time to think. Perhaps we think about what we could be doing, or what we would like to be doing. And before you know it, you are thinking about what to eat again.

Yes, food and mealtimes have been a cause of concern for many. What will we eat? Do we have enough food? How do we fix what we have?

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

Filed under Cookbooks, Cooking and kids, Cooking Skills, Healthy food practices, Recipes
width="300"When kids come home from school, where do they usually go first? To the kitchen, of course! They are starved. They want something – anything- that is ready to eat, right?

Kids need a jolt of nutrition at this time of day. It helps if moms and kitchens are ready for the burst of activity when they come home. Kids want to know “Where’s the food?”!

Here are 3 how-to’s that can set the stage for encouraging your children to snack smart without any lectures about healthy foods from you:

Comments (1) Posted by Lee on Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

Filed under Cooking and kids, Healthy food practices, Nutrition tips, Recommendations
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Do your kids have a sugar addiction? Need help in getting them to control their sugar intake?

Getting the sugar intake under control is important for health reasons as well as weight control.

Here are simple techniques you can use to help children cut down on their sugar consumption and put them on the road to looking and feeling great.

Stock cabinets and refrigerator with fruits and vegetables instead of chips, cookies, and candies. As the expression goes, “Out of sight, out of mind.”

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Filed under Books, Cooking and kids, Cooking Skills, Food patterns and eating habits, Goals, Healthy food practices, Recommendations
Here is a book for the homeschool curriculum. Attention Homeschool Moms – and Dads::

The book I’ve been showcasing, Cooking Around the Country With Kids by Amy Houts, is not only a cookbook, but a treasure trove of historical facts and food history. It is a recommended book for the homeschool curriculum.

Along with recipes, Houts has included food facts, historical notes, and fun activities. For example, “When was ice cream “invented”? What are hush puppies and how did they get their nameWhat are funnel cakes? Why doesn’t all corn “pop”?”

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

Filed under Apples, Cookbooks, Cooking and kids, Gifts, Healthy food practices
What better way to tempt kids to eat right than to start with one of their favorite foods – APPLES.Picture -Healthy to the Core 4-1

Wanting to bring this home in a hands-on way, my new cookbook: Healthy to the Core! All-Natural Low Sugar, No Sugar Apple Recipes for Kids works toward this goal.

It’s a great year for apples in most sections of the apple growing country. There are bushels and bushels of apples to be picked. Kids will soon be going out to orchards on field trips. (One of my most favorite times of the year!) Families will be enjoying the apple experience at orchards.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Thursday, August 21st, 2014

Filed under Cooking and kids, Healthy food practices
Here’s an interesting collection of food entries by young cooks in a contest.

Check it out. Ask your kids which one is their favorite and vote if you want.

It’s  good to see kids choosing healthy foods.

Best to you,

Healthy cooking for healthy kids






Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Saturday, February 8th, 2014

Filed under Apple recipes, Apples, Books, Cookbooks, Cooking and kids, Gifts, Healthy food practices, Recommendations
Get kids in the kitchen enjoying one of their favorite foods – apples. Inspire them to eat Adobe Photoshop PDFhealthy by providing them with recipes that offer alternatives to the high-sugar, white flour traditional apple recipes. Make it easy to get kids eating healthy foods from their very first bite.

My new cookbook Healthy to the Core! All Natural Low Sugar/No Sugar Apple Recipes for Kids is filled with recipes that are not dependent on lots of sugar. Apples by themselves have wonderful flavors if time is taken to savor them.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

Filed under Cooking and kids, Healthy food practices
Honey is a powerful natural product known for its many beneficial uses. In addition to it’s healthful properties in food, it has some weird and awesome uses of which you may not be aware.

Have you thought to use honey in any of these ways?

If you don’t have any honey in the house, you will be tempted to keep some on hand after reading this article.  When shopping for this product, try to find a local beekeeper who will be able to supply you with raw honey made by bees from your own area. Grocery stores often carry local honey from beekeepers. It is a remarkable product that not only adds to the enjoyment of food but helps in other ways, even some weird ones.

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

Filed under Cooking and kids, Health, Healthy food practices, Nutrition tips, Recommendations, Saving time and money
Count the number of ways to save money in the grocery store when you watch this video.

Can you relate? Shopping on the outside circle of the grocery store is generally where to find the most  nutritional value for the money.

Here’s to saving money while shopping for healthy food,

Lee Jackson
Author of the soon-to-be-released cookbook:
Healthy to the Core!
All Natural, Low Sugar/No Sugar Apple Recipes for Kids

Comments (0) Posted by Lee on Thursday, July 25th, 2013

Filed under Food patterns and eating habits, Health, Healthy food practices

English: Six saltines and a fork on a large plate

Today, notice how you feel about your eating. Is it one of those days when you have so much to do you eat whatever is available? Without thinking and not even knowing what you are eating?

It’s just “time to eat” and you sit down, grab your food, a book or the paper, watch TV or check your messages, and go through the motions.

I can relate – but, too late, it’s such a guilty feeling.

Comments (1) Posted by Lee on Friday, May 31st, 2013

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